The information provided on this website is strictly for educational purposes.
SVSM Capital LLC (The Company) has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct at publishing; however, inadvertent and occasional errors may occur.
Any investment program may be volatile and can involve the loss of principal. SVSM Capital LLC makes no promises or guarantees, express or implied, about the information and opinions given through this website, including any products accessed directly or indirectly through this website. SVSM Capital LLC reserves the right to make changes and corrections at any time and without warning. The Company assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions on this website, and any decisions made in reliance on the information and opinions found on this website are solely the visitor’s responsibility. Although this website may provide links to other websites for your convenience, The Company is not responsible for the content of any external websites that connect to or are connected from this one. SVSM Capital LLC disclaims any responsibility for direct, extraordinary, indirect, or consequential damages, as well as all other damages of any sort, arising from any cause through the use of any knowledge or opinions obtained directly or indirectly through this website.
This website may contain details about the business’s previous investments and achievements. It is worth noting that past success is not a guarantee of future performance.
This website may contain statements about The Company – financial position, operating results, plans, goals, forecasts, and beliefs. These statements which include, but are not limited to, those about The Company’s strategy and ability to execute on it, assumptions about real estate acquisitions, investment plans, and those preceded by, accompanied by, or containing the terms believe, expect, intend, prepare, anticipate, or similar phrases.
The Company cautions that predictive statements on this website can and sometimes differ from actual results. Readers are advised not to put undue emphasis in predictive statements. Such statements, by their very nature, include risks and uncertainty that may cause actual results to differ materially from those stated or implied. Numerous factors may result in actual results and developments differing from those expressed or implied in any predictive statements.
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SVSM Capital LLC offers several programs for the Private Lender. Give us a call to answer any questions and if you would like to talk with us about an investment – 713-999-6704